3rd May Honeycomb, Height and Enlightenment

Talking to Mrs Prambleson the Yoga teacher today about a near death incident back in foggy November, involving bees at the top of Methven Castle. My attention had been distracted by the aggravated insects coming out of a huge honeycomb inside the chimney. At the time I was standing on a short piece of ladder balanced on the ridge of the roof some five storeys above the car park. Unnoticed the ladder slipped sideways and with a sudden twist I'd lost it, falling - witnessed only by the aforementioned bees.
As luck would have it I landed on a single plank which I had across the valley gutter. For a few moments I thought I was cashing in my policy, so to speak. The weird thing was it didn't seem to matter. Not that I was feeling suicidal or anything... Mrs P predictably saw this as an almost zen-like detachment, something that can take lifetime(s) to acheive. The use of the plural let slip the fact that despite making a nice cup of tea Mrs P subscribed to certain untestable beliefs... Probably including the fact that the guy that came to install their new stove had broken free from the wheel of life and hence, the cycle of endless reincarnation, by achieving freedom from desire and pure enlightenment....errrr....


The Incredible Bulk said...

I should warn the lady that she will not achieve Nirvana simply by recreating the bee attack. It is the sum of all that has gone before.

Anonymous said...

Careful - at least one of your lurkers is a Zen Buddhist.

Anonymous said...

Yes, really a Zen Buddhist, but Soto Zen, so none of that "one hand clapping".
Most people have preconceptions and assumptions about Zen Buddhism (and it's only one sort of Buddhism). If you really want to know about it, google "Shasta Abbey".

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Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.