She Wants A White Stove 25th Nov 2014

The door was opened by a blonded thirty-something with a wailing babe in arms and also a toddler. I was conducted to the living room, light oak effect laminate, two white setees plus creamy coloured expensive looking curtains and a white rug centre.

She explained the details, basically a white stove etc etc, above the racket of the younger child and the incessant chatter of the toddler, who had reached that age when they want to talk but it's far too much effort to listen to them, which only increases their need to talk utter bollox. ..

"Do you ever get a break?" I shouted.

"You're joking?!" she said

"How can you stand it?!" I declared

What I wanted to say was how can you fucking stand it!?

"You just get used to it!!" (Well I don't think I could)

Another woman that wants a fucking white match every other bloody thing.

That's what She wants.

That's what She needs.

TO BE HAPPY!!!!!!!

Imagine being the husband coming home to all that... Jesus Christ. ..

And people actually choose this?

"E mail me and I'll send you a quote back" I gesticulated.

The most absurd thing is that all this is made by sex... Something pleasurable !

Sex? You can forget that...

She wants a white stove a white sofa a white than white fucking everything and your balls have been removed forever!


My Self SummaryI'm a feckless ne'er-do-well that was given every opportunity to make something of themselves. Two failed marriages under my belt and a son I haven't seen for 6 months. Also... do you think brutal honesty works well in these self summaries?
What I’m doing with my life
Treading water, chasing my own tail. swimming in treacle. Life is an ever increasing list of things you can do nothing about. That sounds a bit negative but accepting the fact could be all that Enlightenment ever adds up to.
I’m really good at
Ruining things.
The first things people usually notice about me
Usually that I sound like I'm stoned...when I'm not.
Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
Well I really like Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. but if I want to sound pretentious I'd say anything by Haruki Murakami. Movies? If.. has remained a firm favourite but Withnail and I, most Mike Leigh things and let's not forget Deliverance... I like X factor but don't have a TV. I like Early 70's progressive rock , The Jam, and Nicki Minaj and all stations between. Food... The best thing I've ever eaten is deep fried goat's udder.
The six things I could never do without
Running shoes, cycling shoes, off road shoes, swimming trunks, wetsuit, road bike.
The most private thing I’m willing to admit
I don't have Public Liability Insurance.
You should message me if
a) You are a woman.
b) Are younger than me and not yet completely worn down by life.
c) Have been described as 'difficult' 'rude' 'impossible' or were a terrible teenager.
d) Do not message me if you surround yourself with owls or similar objet d'art with eyes looking from every corner of a room.
e) Do NOT message me if you firmly believe in ANY of the following: Astrology, Crystal healing. Reincarnation, Any Religion, Scientology, Reichian Therapy, Reflexology, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Atlantis, UFO's, Astral Travel, Kirlian Photography, Jungian Psychology, Freudian Psychoanalysis, Carl Rogers Person Centred Therapy. Homeopathy, Parapsychology, Ghosts, Tarot reading, Fortune telling. Paganism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nationalism, A return to traditional values, vegetarianism.
f) Do NOT message me if you want to fall in love, get married and have 2 children.
g) Do NOT message me if you form strong emotional attachment to inanimate objects, find it difficult to let go of them and feel comfortable in an environment which could generally be described as cluttered.M