7th May Journey to Risk Assessment

What can you say about today? Today was the sort of day that would seem like heaven, when viewed from the perspective of say Ward 4 (Mens Surgical) at PRI.
A marvellous day in fact, pain free. but there's still nothing you can say about today.
Well I stole some battery acid, the other day, but that wasn't today, it's not really stealing if its going to the dump is it ? Well it was actually at the dump or what we call nowadays The Recycling Centre, from the stock of old car batteries, it's just forbidden, public safety etc.
That means its the Green light for the Failing Eyesight M/C Club run, since the Suxuki at least starts now. Though my enjoyment of the world of two wheel thrills and spills is somewhat compromised by a bad case of RSP ( Road Surface Paranoia ).
Lets have a look shall we, at the stats?
Number of deaths per 1000 Million miles travelled
Airlines and trains Less than 1
Car drivers 5
Cyclists 50
Pedestrians 70
Motorcyclists 100
Course a transatlantic flight would take longer by foot, but that would be suicidal
as its only marginally safer than the lethal motorcycle.


The Incredible Bulk said...

This means that you would have to travel 10 million miles on your motorbike to be assured of death.

I would presume that the Failing Eyesight motorcycle club has a few more runs left up the Sma Glen, unless one of you lives VERY far away.

The Editor said...

you can show anything with statistics can't you? Its not easy to access risk

The Incredible Bulk said...


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