4th June Blue Nile

We are going to Egypt for a week or eternity, depending on the security situation. (Travel to Egypt not advised by The Home Office).

Sunday afternoon and Tiddles purrs contentedly, little does she know that we're taking her to Luxor to undergo complete mummification. "I wonder if they offer that service there?" interjects Isabelle.

Isabelle had me shovelling 3 tonnes of gravel this morning at Reutevennan Strasse, just another wearisome task to get through, like going on holiday. I can still hear Mothers voice booming out now: "You're not very enthusiastic ARE you!" And what is life without enthusiasm I ask you? But I'm alright when I get there, I just don't like the going or the coming back. Egypt? It's all oranges, pyramids, and camels isn't it? It'll be interesting to see what gauntlet of vendors we're going to have to run this time. Not carpets surely, that's only in Turkey. The travel guide assures that since the Luxor Massacre (1997, 60 dead by machine gun fire), tourist coaches travel in armed convoys, that should be a larf.

It's possible there will be no Blogging from the banks of the Nile, depending on internet facilities, but hopefully I should be able to furnish firsthand reports on available merchandise at the many street bazaars. I am looking forward to literally following in the footsteps of the late Howard Carter, but if it's this warm here, what's it going to be like there? According to the guide book, average, AVERAGE? temperature for June is 106 F/ 41 C, and rainfall for every month is 0 mm. No need to bring a cagoule then. I love Extremes though, at least it's something I can get enthusiastic about, that and Lap dancing. Belly dancing I don't know?...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.