24th July Corn Lice Country

Corn lice make the perfect irritant for a hot humid day in July. Carried by the wind, these tiny, flying insects seem to delight in crawling through sweat. Jim the joiner kept remarking on today's temperature. "Some heat!" "Warm though!" George the plumber was beset by the corn lice on account of wearing a white t-shirt which seemed to act as a powerful magnet. George then took the rather radical step of an all over body spraying with Vapona Knock Down Fly and Wasp Killer (do not breathe vapour). A human scale equivalent to mass destruction with Sarin nerve gas...

The air conditioning was full-on in McDonalds but I couldn't eat-in out of respect to my own psyche. I don't mind eating plastic but there's no need to sit there surrounded by it?

I squeezed past some of the other clientele and strolled back in the heat to the Daihatsu. Then the damn corn lice kept drifting in through the open door and windows. I shut everything up but the heat was kind of stultifying, what with all the days exertions. I drifted off, unconciously releasing my grip on my take-way coffee... The result was an unanticipated awakening, saturated shorts, a burning sensation, and the death of several pairs of corn lice.

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