28th July Equipment Checklist

Prior to depature for Switzerland at some unearthly hour, I've been refering to one of The All-England Series, "Mountaineering" by Claude Wilson, 1893. "A handy little volume, considering its size" the author writes in the pre-Gortex era of the nineteenth century.

"Climbing clothes should be made entirely of wool. A flannel shirt, stout stockings, and a knickerbocker suit of tweed, suggest themselves as appropriate, and are worn by most climbers.."

"A Norfolk jacket answers very well. It should be well supplied with pockets; nine or ten are not too many and should be made to button."

"...but the best of all, which has received official sanction by the Alpine Club is made of three strands of the finest manilla hemp by John Buckingham of Bloomsbury."

"They consist of a framework of the best steel, in two parts, hinged together under the instep, and carrying ten large spikes. They will be made to order by the Albion Iron and Wirework Co."

"for holding wine, cold tea or whatever may be purchased at home or abroad. Silver's vulcanite felt covered gourds are good, though bulky to pack. The French leather bottles, with the hairy side of the skin in the interior, are the best of all gourds for mountaineers."

"A small spirit-flask, preferably of metal or vulcanite, should always be carried by one member of the party; but its contents should be kept for emergencies only."

Perhaps blogging will prove impossible this week, above the snowline....?

1 comment:

The Incredible Bulk said...

There is always a way. The internet is everywhere.