14th August. Pirates of the Caribbean

I didn't deliberately try to go to sleep during the movie unlike the Da Vinci Code. However I still managed to lose conciousness while the main characters were being chased by the pygmies or was it chased by the crew of the Flying Dutchman?
Either way I think this made the movie seem longer because when I woke up they were still being chased by something very similar. To be honest I think they overplayed the giant squid, but my gripe isn't against the computer generated visuals, which would certainly have freaked me out as a young person.

It was the computer generated plot that gave me the most trouble. What happened was; they sent a comprehensive summary of western seafaring myths to a Taiwanese software engineer who was under strict contract to utilise every aspect detailed. The resultant plot written in Mandarin was then translated into English using the Babelfish program... Perhaps this explains why the dog didn't survive, a real Hollywood anomaly .


The Incredible Bulk said...

Would that be Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese?


stitchwort said...

Are you SURE the dog didn't survive? It will probably pop up again in the next one - all the other characters get recycled.

The Editor said...

actually you're probably right