7th September. Game For a Laugh.

The aerobatic display for this Saturdays BBQ has suffered logistical problems. By coincidence our event conflicts with the other Air Show at RAF Leuchars, so there are tighter restrictions on the flying of aircraft that day, so Alistair tells me. And, due to childcare duties, a Primary 1. child would also have to have been strapped into the front seat of the requisite hire plane. This leaves the rotating animal plastered with flour and cider as the main focus, aside from the ale...

When I picked up the deer today I was greeted by a huge Pole about the size of a bear, who came staggering out of the game merchants clutching what looked like a gigantic skinned rabbit to his chest. "I think is a little large for you, no'?
"No, no that'll do fine". The bear realeased the huge rabbit-like carcass which flopped down in the trailer, then went back to work on something furry but nondescript hanging up inside, while I wrote out the cheque...

It's all coming together, and falling apart at the same time.

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