21st October. A Family Visits; I Need a Lie Down Afterwards.

I'd like you to meet The Whiner, The Screecher and The Charmer; three little girls, each with their very own strategy for getting what they want from Mummy and Daddy.

The scope of genetic variation between siblings never ceases to amaze. (A) was a born a Whiner, (B) screeches non-stop but (C) began placidly enough. That's not to say that (A) is incapable of either screeching or charming, but (B) coming after (A) had an inately different approach rather than following her elders' example, and (C) was naturally charming.

If any of the three could articulate their thoughts with a sufficient degree of abstraction they would say: "Whining/Screeching/Charming works quite well for me."

There's no doubt that screeching is the most wearing for all concerned. On the other hand, The Screecher develops a tremendous will power in addition to lung capacity as a result of these straight-forward head-to-head knockout rounds. Whining is a slow, drip, drip, Chinese water torture that could drive you to drink, or to take the much easier route of just giving in to the constant demands. Charming is a more subtle approach to setting the agenda entitled "My needs and how you're going to meet them".

The combined onslaught of all three at once, would be, in my opinion, more than enough to put anyone in the Nut House.

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