5th October."I'll Always Think About That Squirrel".

Our tour around the hallowed grounds of Harvard University was halted when Isabelle chanced upon a young squirrel suffering from what appeared to be a learning difficulty. I doubt if it was simply a case of food shortage as the grass was carpeted with fallen acorns, which surely must form its principal diet...

I shirked any involvement, idling on a nearby bench. A squad of priviledged undergraduates rowed past on the river, as Isabelle, oblivious, tarried with the unfortunate creature, I could imagine no hasty conclusion to this episode.

Soon a small crowd gathered, and things took a lucky turn, a passing female cyclist knew of some local facility. So, hurriedly emptying out some recently purchased items, Isabelle pressed the woman to transport the hapless rodent forthwith in a carrier bag. Afterwards remarking to me: "He's so cute people are bound to do something for him".

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