13th November. Slime Fish.

"Do you want to grab a fish?" asked Isabelle whilst I was busy on my appointed task of de-sliming the aquarium filter. These two monsters of the deep are now nine years old and started off as fairground-sized goldfish. Originally there were three others, these have succumbed to various diseases, some probably stress related. The end game of which usually left the poor creature spending its last days swimming upside down.

The fish don't complain much but it's not everyone that can spend almost a decade with the same limited outlook. After de-sliming, the pair are definitely happier about having the view of the bedroom restored. In the morning when the alarm goes off, if I open one eye, there will be a fish in the corner of the tank mouthing stones and waiting for Goldfish food.

Tonight was pretty much a slime-fest, as the job had been put off and put off. I mean, if you were going to wait till you actually felt like a bit of slime removal work, the water would end up like Knorr Country Chicken and Leek.

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