21st November. Everyday Electronics Revisited.

The PC was on the blink, well it kept cutting out when I was halfway through doing peoples invoices, causing a deal of frustration. A small squirt of WD 40 into the end of the power supply lead did little to improve matters and shortly after, all vital signs had flatlined. I started pulling the various leads out of the back, "You'll need to make a note of those" chimed Isabelle. I carted the grey box downstairs to the kitchen table and set about it with a phillips screwdriver.

Another grey box within the grey box said power supply on it so I removed that with its entrails attached and took the electric soldering iron to it. Having isolated the problem to complicated things I know nothing about, it was simply a matter of ordering a replacement small grey box from e-bay. That's the beauty of the PC format-cheap easily fitted spare parts.

When I came home tonight I said "Is there any post for me?"
"No but there's a parcel outside". This was the new small grey box. It looked the same but had a few more wires than the original, still the wires had the same sort of colours. It all plugged in easily enough, so I was ready to get down to the overdue quotations. I switched on, the drawer you put CDs in opened ominously and the screen didn't get beyond that first bit with all that guff about megatrends. Now what?

This is just like those projects that never worked out of Everyday Electronics circa 1973. I can't very well chuck the thing under the bench this time, we'll starve within a fortnight.

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