7th November. Extreme Right.

Mr B. hadn't actually noticed the discrepancy which came to light whilst being frisked before a recent flight departure. The airport secutity man was moved to pass comment whilst checking the lower half of Mr B's body. "Do you know your right leg is much wider than your left, sir?" "No" replied Mr B "No I didn't, actually."

This increase of right leg musculature is a long term result of not being much good at kicking a football with his left leg in earlier life. Similarly Mr B's passion for squash has ended up with the right forearm massively developed compared with the left and this has exacerbated the entire right handedness. A continuing imbalance hasn't been the best thing for back pain though and a physiiotherapist recommended some sort of activity with an equal use of both sides.

Mr B went out and bought a kayak. The initial paddling trials on Loch Alsh found Mr B's efforts to go straight ahead more or less describing a circle.

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