4th December. Formulating a General Rule From Flat Renovation.

It was said right at the begining, even before an offer had been made, that the flat in question "just needs a shower." I said that "maybe i didn't need to be involved at all, you could just get a plumber, I wouldn't even need to see the flat". Six months later a shower is half-installed, one of the last things in what has proved to be a long on-going list. As a general rule its safe to say that if anything "just needs.." you may find yourself straying into a fictional world where the Lion may as well lie down with the Lamb.

This also applies to "All you need is..." Such things as 'love', ' to be able to recognise a good compromise', ' a sense of humour', 'faith in yourself'. These are all certainly handy things to have but no closer to reality than "Just needs a shower."

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