6th December. I See My Future.

I was only saying the other day how reliable the Daihatsu has been, virtually no involvement rolling around underneath a vehicle for two years. I was congratulating myself on not having anything to do with Land Rover which although offering easily available spares has the disadvantage of always needing them.

However on the return journey tonight there was the beginings of a noise. A noise that sounds like a bearing in distress, an intermittent growling. I engaged four wheel drive to see what would happen, the result was much worse, it felt like the transfer box was filled with gravel rather than oil, that's assuming it ever had oil in it. I can see a spell of rolling around outside looming. The rain is on again and that will ensure that the drive is thoroughly wetted by tomorrow. As luck would have it, these problems nearly always crop up in winter, but then thanks to global warming it is mild for December. ("It's an ill wind that blows no good")

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