1st January. The Year of the Bore.

2007 will see the start of the Chinese 'Year of The Bore'. The Pig type is usually a montonous, self-obsessed and wearisome person. He/she is an immodest, tedious character who prefers the sound of his/her own voice. When others despair, he/she is invariably around to offer their own lengthy and fixed opinion. This type of person is diffuse and wordy with those they do not know too well, but as time passes and they become even more garrulous and soporific, those around them may discover an extremely dull and unexciting person behind that rambling and roundabout manner. Despite those born in the year of the pig having a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, they have few close friends willing to endure their excessively prosaic and humdrum inner thoughts and feelings. Such people are never afraid to share a trivial, over-long, and labourious anecdote preventing others their freedom of expression.

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