3rd January. Awakening.

The light of a grey Aberdeen dawn filtered through the french windows sillouetting the leafless trees against a blustery northern sky. I lay in a sleeping bag with a full bladder on the floor of Jimmys' living room as the sound of various pre-schoolers filled the house.

"Cup of tea?"

World of Chimneys 2007 begins... Groundhog Year.


The Incredible Bulk said...

Warning: This comment in no way relates to the content of your blog. Only the quantity.

Having moved into the world of mobile internet (I can't get away from it) I find that reading the Daily Arse costs me around £1.25 every time I load the page. This is because the main page is now almost 500 Kb (or half a Mb in old money) and data is charged at an exhorbitant rate.

So for the sake of your many (one) mobile internet blog reader(s) can you split the page into months?

Further discussion will ensue during our next meeting.

Then I can enjoy the Daily Arse when I'm caught short out and about.

The Editor said...

With the use of modern technology is 14 days better than a 100?

The Incredible Bulk said...

Excellent service. Now I can return to cheap Mogging.