18th February. Integrity Testing.

We sit in large reclining armchairs waiting for 'K' to reappear from her massage, in front a massive plasma screen shows an unintelligible documentary about water-weed. A young woman, mini-skirted, brings peanuts and 'Tiger' Beer; Brother-in-law Ayk seated alongside, remarks "My wife brought me to a whore house".
"Yes there does seem to be more on offer here, I reply.

Both of us had shared a similar experience, the walking on the back massage followed the usual routine, but once rolled over to face upwards, things began to take a much more frightening direction.

The only way out was to make clear, despite the language barrier, that massaging of the 'Old Man' wasn't strictly necessary.

"That was difficult" admitted Brother-in-Law Ayk.


The Snoring Man said...

You seem to have a strange attraction to places that may offer 'extras'. Mind you I can see some connection between the 'Old Man' and chimneys.

The Editor said...

I may be reading more into your Old Man reference, there was no sea stack metaphor intended here.
Certainly nothing approaching that grade of incline.