15th June. National Inadequacy Day.

Oceans 13 proved a little soporific for me after a full carbo load and half a Cobra beer at the Ashoka Shak. I'm afraid I let the side down, losing consciousness about halfway through but managed a late rally for the twist at the end.

It must have finished by 11.30pm and only seemed like a long film. The idea of launching into the Commonwealth Pool for the first part of the Triathlon at 7am makes no sense whatsoever.

Tomorrows event is mixed up with some European Duathlon thing with proper serious athletes, the roads are closed and there's even a portable grandstand at the finishing line.

I know this because I had to drive all the way there in the friday evening Edinburgh traffic just to register tonight for some reason. The weather is cold and wet, normal for June.

I can feel a sense of pre-race anxiety coming on, which should go well with pre - School Reunion inadequacy later in the day.

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