21st June. When Wives Leave.

Up at The Gamekeeper's today who's been moved further up the Glen to another house. However I got the impression this hasn't been the only change in circumstances.

The contents of the fridge, when I went to get a drop of milk for the tea, consisted only of two large plastic bottles of Strongbow and the remains of a cheese selection pack.

The Fathers Day card on the mantlepiece but no child-sized shoes in the shoe rack gives weight to the theory that Mrs Gamekeeper has moved eleswhere along with Young Gamekeeper.

If memory serves, Mrs G. had no taste for the Game meats despite the fact that the freezer was full of various body parts from Red Deer.

I bet she refused to move any further away from civilization, dug her heels in and instead moved closer to the bright lights, far away from the dismembering, the rabbit snares, mud and the barking of Spaniels.

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