30th June. Dundee Blues Bonanza.

This is another attempt coming up to prove the supposition that Live Music CAN be an enjoyable experience.

Basically what happens is: one spends the afternoon milling about pubs in the town centre becoming increasingly inebriated and discovering that "The Scumbags" or whatever have just finished their set not five minutes ago but Black River Blues are about to start at Lennon's but that's miles away and that will take twenty minutes to walk there by then we'll have missed Mr Spider at The Gauger etc etc...

Eventually one ceases to care, the number of venues still open reduces as the number of bodies trying to fit through the doors increases in direct proportion.

After a Chinese all you can eat buffet, one may find oneself texting from a toilet somewhere...

It's gonna be Great!


The Snoring Man said...

I remember now why I didn't go. Raining as well.

The Incredible Bulk said...

Och - a wee drop of rain never stop the Scots.

However, that Salmonela burger did have a negative effect.

The Editor said...

No ill effects from my cheeseburger you sure it wasn't Jimmy Cheung?