3rd June. Lost and Found.

Despite a partial eclipse by 'The Vanishing' (see 2nd June), there still remained today's Triathlon event to focus on.

It took a bit of doing, force feeding oneself with porridge at 5.45 am before setting off for the venue, but this is recommended for carbohyrate loading.

As the start time approached, apprehension mixed with porridge to facilitate a flight or fight response bowel-wise.

I felt great after the finish but quickly returned to feeling sick again once it became clear that I'd somehow gone the wrong way and neglected to complete the necessary two circuits of the final running section. A single circuit was for the novice race which ran concurrently.

The latest twist in the five day disappearance of Junior's Mother came as a surprise to the local Constabulary, who had several teams out searching locally, when she reportedly walked into an A&E Department 50 miles away.

Madness or manipulation may be two possible explanations...

1 comment:

The Incredible Bulk said...

Did they at least give your times for the swim and cycle? Something to give a future comparison and a second happy ending?