22nd July. Ferpecle Glacier.

"I don't care if you've been up the North Ridge of Everest, I want to see how you lads move on the ice!"

The idea of today seems to be to determine who is the biggest liability with crampons on, and therefore the most likely to kill the rest of us.

Our man sets up a top rope, up a steepening slope of ice.

"Now I want to see how far you can get without an ice-axe and without using your hands, there's a prize for who gets the furthest."

"You've got a really good sense of balance" announces the guide as I front point most of the way up without falling over.

"That's because I climb for a living." I say.


"Errr... Yeah, up ladders with a bucket of cement."

1 comment:

The Snoring Man said...

Where will it all end? Soloing Point Five gully next winter in under an hour? Or, dare I say it, the ultimate pinnacle for Chimney Man, the Roof of the World, Everest?