17th August. Perfect weather.

Today was perfect weather for a barbeque but we're having it tomorrow, the forecast being rain.

I could easily make a cover for the spit roast out of the remains of a Homebase gazebo although in the event of it catching fire the results could make the pages of the national dailys.

Molten plastic sheeting collapsing on any hopeful ostrich diner may result in a sort of Napalm effect.


The Incredible Bulk said...

You should request the Psychologist to instil a streak of "Blind Optimism".

The Editor said...

The forecast is for 'light' rain ie just enough to soak everything and make it unpleasant to sit down. Heavy rain could cause the fire not to light at all, Ostrich Tatare - anyone?

The Snoring Man said...

If all else fails, I usually go for sticking my head in the sand.

The Editor said...

I think there's been a little too much of that, perhaps in your time?