15th September. Outrageous!

Although Mr H. has two kids and a sizeable mortgage by the look of things, I have to think of him as Young Mr H.

It's true that as time goes on there are increasingly more and more people who are younger than me and wear baseball caps, it stands to reason.

Anyway Young Mr H's pad is one of those architect designed things circa 1971 that the H's are currently bringing up to the standards of the day.

If there's anyone out there who thinks that UK domestic energy usage is about to slow down or reverse then you may be disappointed.

There are so many labour saving devices at the H's the only thing left to do is turn up the underfloor heating, turn down the banks of halogen lighting and settle down in front of the large plasma screen telly.

That is having parked the humungus new four wheel drive and poured yourself an iced drink from the US style fridge freeezer large enough to conceal an average family.

"I see they've nearly finished those houses over the back" I say.

"Yes, d'you knoiw what they've been going for? and they've sold nearly all of them, only four left."

"A fair whack?'

"Six eight"

"Six eight?"

"Yes £680,000!"


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