23rd September. Mid Argyll Triathlon Error.

I'm in the lead, a woman had been quicker getting her cycling shoes on but she was easily overtaken. When I say in the lead, it means I was first out of the pool in Heat 3, which is the third hopeless group of people after Heats 1 and 2.

I'm soon to pay the price of not having anyone in front. The road forks, a group of marshalls are idling by the side of the road, is it left or right?

I choose left as there is some other cyclist coming back that way, there is no yelling from the marshalls it must be the right way?

A short way down the road another Marshall on a motorbike addresses me "YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!"

The result is I'm no longer in the lead of Heat 3 and annoyed with myself.


The Incredible Bulk said...

Sounds like one of "The Snoring Man's" dreams

The Editor said...

I think I was awake though.