26th September. Single Mum Frotteurism.





Excuse me, have you seen my mum?"

"She'll be back soon..."

(That kid is going to have problems in later life - too close to his mother I'd say.)

"Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, I'll be back about three" She'd said.

I'd opened the kitchen cupboard to find myself at eye level with a mug bearing the slogan 'HOT BABE'

Well to be honest the thought had crossed my mind when I'd first seen Ms. W. through the living room window at the ironing board the night I came round to look at the job.

Ms. W. has a habit of standing slightly closer than the accepted norm and looking right at you whilst conversing.

This could amount to something of a threat if Ms. W. was a man but in her case it's open to misinterpretation...

At the least, the effect, I find, is like some sort of verbal frottaging.

Frottaging - if you're unfamiliar, is when the likes of frustrated Japanese businessmen rub themselves up against strangers in packed Tube trains.


The Incredible Bulk said...

I can hardly believe there is a word dedicated solely to that act.


The Editor said...

Human sexuality is so diverse.

Ms. W. could be your type.

Ashley said...

I once saw a homeless man do what could be described as frottaging a light pole...very strange. It's safe to assume he was mentally ill, no?

The Editor said...

Possibly not - it could all be down to the level of frustration the individual is experiencing.

Also the phenomenom isn't confined to human beings - `i'm thinking here of 'Puffson' the masturbating chicken (see earlier).