11th September. 9/11

"Maybe this isn't the day to be going up the Eiffel Tower' I suggested as we queued for about an hour and a half at the bottom of the south west leg, toying with ideas as to just how you could bring the whole edifice down.

"What about a specially trained flock of pigeons. each with an individual load of Semtex strapped to its back?"

There were what looked like soldiers who'd been briefed on how to shoot the baddies but not the by-standers (ie us) stood around; all with fingers on the safety catches of some kind of automatic weapon, waiting - but for what?

Maybe the minorities just keep a low profile on the 11th? In all the vast hordes of tourists the only representatives are some Bosnian women with bi-lingual placards, describing how they've been in Paris for a month and that they're hungry.

The soldiers glare at them, they move off a bit.

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