9th October. Health & Safety Cont...

"Could you do me a favour and put these hard hats on? There was an 'incident' here last week and I don't want to be responsible for another."

These two dudes had been drafted in to complete the wood chip store that Mr P. (now under Doctors orders) had fallen into.

The morning had started wet so I had the place to myself the only concern being that everything was wet, still a simple plunge to earth would be straightforward enough without any guilt.

Mr P. had the stiches out this morning - you'd think head injury would be fresh on his mind what with that and being dosed up with pain killers, but everyone seemed quite unconcerned about the two new potential victims who were now going to be below me.

"Have you got any more hard hats?" I put it to Mr P.

"Yes down in the workshop - oh and could you take down the old chimney while you're up there?"


"Get that *ucking hard hat back on!" I yell to one of the dudes below as I cut through the uppermost supporting bracket of the asbestos chimney...

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