8th December. "Donald Where's Your Fingers?"

Discussion turned to a lifetime working as a forester and the dangers of the job, what with chainsaws, falling trees, rolling logs etc

"I've had a few frights, I can tell you." said Donald.

Now there are always things you're not meant to do but then you get away with it innumerable times and there appears to be vitrually no risk...until...

"I was letting the wire rope from the winch run through my hands when a bit of jagged wire caught my glove and pulled one hand into the winch and the wire crushed my fingers against the drum."

"Are you right-handed?"

"Yes, so I turned the winch off with my other hand, pulled the glove off, just through it on the ground, didn't think anything of it, there was blood everywhere. It was only when I got to the hospital I realised my index finger was inside the glove, by then it was too late."

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