9th January. More 'Severe' Weather.

The phone rang as soon as I got in the door, someone leaving a message -Mrs C. going on about something.

I lifted the receiver "The stove's looking very good but do you know there are severe gales forecast tonight? Do you think the ladders will be alright?"

In my mind any mention of 'severe' weather can be ignored in these days of Health & Safety and the nanny state.

"Oh it should be alright" I assured her "They're tied on at the top of the chimney stack."

"Is there anything else we can do?" she asked,

"Not really."

Despite, or maybe because of, the huge weight of the three section ladders I began to doubt the veracity of this dismissal in the middle of the night.

Isabelle claimed she was kept awake all night by the roaring of the wind, reports are of the roof being torn off new student accomodation in Dundee, so far I've heard nothing from Mrs C.


The Incredible Bulk said...

But did you remember to use a good sturdy knot to tie the ladders?

The Editor said...

No it wasn't much of a knot but there were two attempts with two different knots.

The Editor said...

I mean two different ropes

The Incredible Bulk said...

Are you actually sure that you tied the ladder to the chimney? I see some confusion!