19th February. My Whole Body Must Be Toxic.

They haven't found a cure for the common cold obviously because if there was I'd be a ready customer.

In fact I've been reviewing the whole respiratory system in general - long term inhalation of combustion products, soot, dust of all kinds including silicon carbide, fibreglass particles, cement, lime, and then the odd bit of asbestos just as a treat.

I made a point of going into Wickes and splashing out on a new mask which claims to deal with most bad things, ready for tomorrows onslaught.

You really can't justify economising with lungs.

I gave J. a ticking off for burning treated fence posts and creosoted railway sleepers in the living room stove.

"Due think the ash is dangerous?"

"Well really you should be wearing a cartridge type face mask at all times whilst watching the telly. Probably a combination of AB and P2 that will do organic vapours as well as toxic particles."


The Incredible Bulk said...

Surely it all goes up the lum? Or does my handiwork of replacing the stove void any original guarantees?

The Editor said...

No it's the green ash lying everywhere with a concentration of copper, chromium and arsenic, ideal for the younger child to go for a cumulative effect, good on a sandwich too.

Creosoted sleepers languishing in a log basket give a sort of menthol effect for the avioli - rich in known carcinogens.