12th June. Swanning Around.

I felt it was time to force myself not only into a rubber suit but also the River Earn as some element of training for the forthcoming Ayr Open Water Triathlon.

The initial five minutes were about as hellish as I remembered, maybe more so.

Then just as I was getting comfortable, out of nowhere this swan appears.

Course the swan had never come across a man in a rubber suit before in it's own stretch of provincial backwater.

And I'd never really had a pond skaters eye view of a swan either.

Then it starts giving it all that with it's neck and hissing and flapping, taking off and landing.

There could be a nest somewhere but they're agressive like that anyway swans.

By the time my goggles have misted up I'm gettting paranoid about the swan.

Put me right off my stroke.

When I can't see it I'm thinking where the hell's that bloody swan is it about to go for me?


The Incredible Bulk said...

Your having some bother with the Birds lately. I swear that people reading your blog will think that you make up this stuff. Little do they know!

The Editor said...

Some think that birds are too much bother full stop.

How is the bachelor life anyway?

The Incredible Bulk said...

I'm getting randy.

The Editor said...

tut, tut, tut...