2nd July. Springwatch Blasting.

Rolling up the C's drive I was met by a dead body in the grass the victim of a fatal shooting last night, stiff as a board.

"I see there's a fox in the driveway" I said to Mr C. Snr as the kettle spilt over the top of the Aga which fizzed around like Sodium reacting with water, "Was that you?"

"Say again"

"A DEAD FOX IN THE DRIVEWAY" Mr C. snr is a bit hard of hearing probably from years of shooting at things.

" Oh no that was Mike! there's a lot of them about."

Mike's sole purpose seems to be reducing numbers of wildlife in the immediate area.

Personally I'd have welcomed that fox and given it carte blanche to 'legitimately' reduce the numbers of fowl chez nous.

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