17th August, Aberfeldy Middle Distance Triathlon.

The onboard hydration unit, needless to say, failed before it was even connected on account of a non standardisation of plastic bottle threads.

I didn't allow that small set back deter my efforts in the waters of Loch Tay (12 degrees C.) The water was a bit peaty but fairly clear so I decided to hydrate by drinking a fair amount of it during the warm up.

Although a longer course, the swim proved less hellish than the Jellyfish Triathlon (see previous).

The cycling was, frankly, rubbish with competitors who were really hopeless in the loch catching up and passing me in a most demoralising fashion and that was after following the advice of Slim Boy Fat to eat a date every few miles.

My piss stayed clear then I ate a Snickers bar from one of the roadside 'feeding stations' the hills were steep I may have done irrepairable damage to both knees, then after reaching transition 2 after 90 kms the leaders were coming in from the run, incroyable!

The 'run' was only a half marathon.

I don't even want to go there but you could imagine.

All in all what can only be deemed a pathetic performance of something not far short of seven hours.

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