24th September. The Otter's Lost The Plot.

This blog appears to have degenerated into nothing other than guff about Triathlons.

Now the Walrus/Otter has lost it completely after receiving that award, signing up for every available upcoming event remaining on the calendar.

Aquathons, Half Marathons, Duathlons, 24hr Mountain Biking (Eeee Gads!) needless to say I feel compelled for some strange reason to follow suit.

I've just paid thirteen quid to wallow in and swallow no doubt the grey waters of the Firth of Forth just along from Leith.

What springs to mind is sanitary towels and worse making their way down the estuary still it should all be over in a matter of fourteen minutes for me and much less for the Otter.

Then there'll be an opportunity to save face with the following 5km sprint to a photo finish?

What are Ladbrokes offering ?

What takes the biscuit though was the announcement of the Otter's fully paid up entry into Ironman France 2009,

Really who could be arsed?

1 comment:

The Incredible Bulk said...

Well, it's the closet one available to register for at the moment. Eminently sensible if you ask me.