20th January. Time Efficient Training.

E.H. appears to have dropped The Otter like a hot potato following the results of the inaugural sunday morning training session.

"Alarm issues."

The Otter's tendency to lie a-bed after a few stiff whiskies the night before apparently didn't sit well with E.H's time efficient scheduling - no room for dead weight.

I am now, despite all the various physical handicaps, attempting to adhere to Don 'Rat' Fink's 'Ironfit'  program, follow it to the letter and success is more or less underwritten. 

The 'Rat' illustrates the science with profiles of successful acolytes, one chap has two kids and works 60 hours a week with a 2 hour commute as a high flying investment banker with Lehman Brothers...

Yeah well, talking of crashes, the demands on his time must be not inconsiderably reduced.  


The Incredible Bulk said...

Sounds like The Rat is robbing busy people blind by selling them books containing only nice information they want to hear. Reference my own recent blog entry for a description of pain.

The Editor said...

The Heart Rate monitor and the bedroom bike are the two essential "Rat' pieces of kit you lack.

Do Triathletes do 3 hr rides in a Minnesotan January?

The Incredible Bulk said...

I'm only just coming to terms with some of Dr Oetker's pearls. I'll take some convincing on the less is more approach - my current mindset is more is not enough.