22nd January. The Flipper Police

The 'Rat' Fink is a strong advocate of training sized flippers for a variety of swim drills, which would be a relief for the shoulder problem.

However it was likely with the level of Health and Safety fascism operating at the Leisure Pool flippers would be outlawed.

Tonight with only two public lanes operating the rest of the training pool was taken up with some sort of junior swimming club with piles of associated gear including flippers.

"D'you mind if I have a shot of your fins?" I said to some teenager in lane 3.

"Sure no problem."

I managed one length before the flipper police came in.


Aw fuck off.




The Incredible Bulk said...

I'm allowed flippers, wetsuit and bat gloves in the swimming pool for pansies. So if you want to do a session, let me know...

I have size 11 flippers in my car.

The Editor said...

yes but will they let me in as one of the unwashed masses?

if so I'm ready to pansy down