26th June. Still Basking In The Glory! Yes!

FB naturally made light of the resounding and conclusive defeat claiming that he "hadn't been on a bicycle since last June." However, much of the cycle was gravity assisted, the additional bulk, an unfortunate by-product of newfound cosy lasagna filled weekends 'having people round' in Stockbridge, would have been no handicap. Latest news from FB centres around the acquisition of a titanium frame to form the basis of a machine that is both light and yet strong enough for the heaviest of duties without fatiguing. And for me, I have found hidden depths to my own self - bask bask, bask bask. (Deep down I'm really really shallow.) I mean let's not worry about the other 112 that finished in front of me, this was a two horse race - Age and Decrepitude V. Youth and Vigour, The Whippet and The Walrus. Gloat gloat, gloat gloat.


The Incredible Bulk said...

There might be some whipping in the future!

The Editor said...

I'm not sure about that S & M stuff, too much trust involved but each to their own, I suppose.