THE DAILY ARSE 10th April 2006


We`are up and breakfasted by 5.3oam only to receive a phone call from our man in Leverburgh. The excursion has been dealt a fatal blow by the updating of the online forecast; veering SW rising to force 6 to 7. In days gone by we would have been simply "caught out in a storm" . Now what do we do with all the sandwiches ?
But what an adventure we could have had, perhaps marooned on the island in extreme weather with all the cheese ones eaten and only the egg left because not everyone likes egg. Worse than that it could have been just a tupperware bowl of salad with onions in it for that same reason, and no forks.
Following the cancellation an optimist would have been dissapointed possibly in tears, a pessimist smug and self satisfied, a cynic jumping for joy, but the neutralist, he accepts this bald statement of facts calmly and adjusts his plans in the light of new data.
I take my long johns off and go back to bed for another 4 hours....


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