THE DAILY ARSE 16th April Easter Sunday

"Just keep going until you really really can't go on anymore" was Isabelle's advice today regarding my thoughts on a continuing career in chimney lining. Which could just as easily be my advice to Mother ( age 91) regarding life in a residential home. I had to call her anyway because it was Easter sunday. A normal telephone conversation follows a fairly set pattern of rising crescendo such as;
"Hallo how are you ?"...
"Hallo ?"...
" I Said, How Are You ?"....
" I can't hear you ..... it's a very bad line, isn't it ?"....
" you're sounding awfully far away"....
"WELL I AM,..... about 300 miles.."
" oh... this is hopeless I'm going to have to put the phone down..... I still can't hear you.... "
Turns out there was even less conversation than normal today because my brother's mobile was switched off I think because of all the pacemakers in the home.
In reality easter sunday was remarkably like easter saturday and Good friday at 5 East High street. The main aggravation centred again on electrical fittings. Quality control must have gone awry in Szechwan province or wherever it is in the Peoples Republic they churn out all this stuff. The screw threads were outside the necessary tolerances.
I had to go over the road and have a large coffee, and try and think of something that isn't to do with flat renovation...


The Incredible Bulk said...

How do you know when you've gone too far?

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.