17th June Blue Bird of Happiness

Time slowed like a reel-to-reel tape on the wrong speed. Having now fast forwarded to the end of the day, I know I'll probably re-record over most of it. In the end, the majority of these tapes end up lying in an attic gathering dust, some lost completely. Then after you've finally gone, it's like Mission Impossible; "This tape will self-destruct in 5 seconds".

I'd like to keep one bit from today; a swallow perched on the mantlepiece, twittering. Then it was banging into the windows, like a huge moth. Eventually, I grabbed it like a budgie but strangely thinner bodied, like there was nothing to it hardly. When it took off, I wondered if it had seen the Nile?


stitchwort said...

Wow - always something different here. Thank you, Editor, I enjoy visiting.

The Editor said...

thanks for reading