20th June Music While You Work

Music played all day in a mind numbing continuous loop. The tape was running inside the plasterer's head, a medley of mainly ballads, folk, and country & western. To give the man credit he has a pretty good memory for lyrics.These he set to what almost invariably sounded like the tune of "Oh my Darling Clementine". By 4 o'clock I was starting to toy with the image of drowning him head first in a bucket of renovating plaster...
Then for a short time there was a surprise divergence into a Lennon & McCartney number; "Mmmmm she's got a ticket to riiiiiiiiiiiiiiide...mmmmm.." but this relief was an abberation, quickly reverting back to more familiar but interminable grooves such as; "mmmmmmm Like a bridge over troooooooooooooubled waters"... and so on until 5 o'clock.

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