28th June Aqualung My Friend...

"Why go abroad for a holiday when the weather's like this?" commented Jim the joiner this morning. Well I made the point of applying factor 30 sunblock to my ears as soon as I got out of the car, and swallowed a different brand of anti-histamine from yesterday's sleeping pill, thus attempting to combat the twin evils of U.V. and pollen. However the general levels of dust from the building works tends to aggravate whatever allergy is presently on-going. Once bathed in soot from wrestling with a length of chimney liner which inexplicably I'd managed to cut a metre too short, the lyrics from Aqualung spring to mind: "snot running down his nose, greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes..." For me a holiday can now be clearly defined as any day that is completely divorced from domestic chimney problems.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

nice blog. oh, and aqualung rocks.