14th July Triathlon Training Teething Troubles

Isabelle says I should have space for another eye between my own pair. This gives the perfect distancing for eyes. Maybe this is just the average. Too far apart and the effect is otherworldly like a tuna-fish, too close together and the impression is of shiftiness, hinting at a vague criminality like George Bush.

If George has any plans to enter a Triathlon, he would most likely be faced with the same problem with swimming goggles. The non-standard spacing results in a lack of flesh at the nose bridge, or the eyeballs are off centre with the lenses. Any more than two lengths of the leisure pool is like repeatedly swilling with two eyebaths of chlorine.

How would George manage then to swim 16 lengths without stopping to empty his Speedo goggles? I did once try to solve this problem by gluing the goggles on with silicon rubber but this only resulted in skin problems despite priming the area around the eye sockets with soya margarine...

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