15th July Pigeon in Under Age Scandal

Isabelle introduced me to another pigeon which had got into some difficulty outside Marks & Spencer's. The grounded fledgling was stuck there amongst the Saturday shoppers until its timely rescue. This new bird came home in the car quite happily in a Tesco bag. I said that's how they sell them in Vietnam. Of course its not too good on its feet at the moment, due to one thing or another.

Donnie the Original Pigeon from outside Matalan was keen to get introduced, not having seen any member of his own species for over a year, and also in that time having reached full maturity. Gyrating as pigeons do, he was cooing and puffing up his irridescent breast in a frantic display. However the young newcomer was really only interested in the eating of seeds.

Donnie, it has to be said, made rather a beast of himself and the newcomer, in an attempt to escape the unwanted attention stumbled, flapping, into the water bowl. "Puff Minor" the frustrated cockerel was attracted by the ensuing aggro and was keen to join in any rammie.

The end result was that the pigeon had to be rescued for the second time this afternoon, by Isabelle.

1 comment:

Candy Minx said...

Ha ha ha!