19th July The Goggle Police

For those of us who suffer from GBE syndrome (George Bush's Eyes) I looked forward to the arrival of my Aqua Sphere swimming goggles. These were purchased online and promised to be leak proof no matter how close together ones eyes are.

The package arrived, and on opening, the secret to the leakproof seal was revealed; more of a mask than a pair of goggles. Hmmmm...

That is if goggles are denoted by separate eyepieces. The Aqua Sphere went right across the forehead in one piece, so technically it was a mask, but a discreet one. The thing was, would it be picked up by the Goggle Police at the Leisure Pool. Mind you the box that the goggles or is it goggle? came in depicted swimmers frolicing with impunity in what looked like a public pool.

In the past a child in my charge had been dealt with in a very summary fashion for the wearing of a mask by the authorities. So it was with some trepidation that I entered the training pool clutching the new goggle around the middle section as I strolled past the attendants.

The whistle blowing never happened, I'd got away with it! They obviously hadn't realised that I was setting a precedent and could be the thin end of the wedge as far as masks are concerned. The council may need to take advice on sharpening up their definition of Mask/Goggles...

1 comment:

The Incredible Bulk said...

One small victory does not win the war. Keep on goggling.