2nd July Mojo Working (Not)

When I had a lie in on Saturday the usual thing happened. The Blues. The normal trick is to jump out of bed and switch off the cleverly positioned alarm at the other side of the room. A simple workman-like strategy that masks any inherent sinking feeling.

Mother had it summed up early on: "You're not very enthusiastic are you?". The root cause could be simply genetic or the consequence of a happy childhood.

Things can only get...worse? It's a statistical fact: regression to mean. Good follows bad, and bad follows good. Thus the future's... brown.

When higher functioning is anaethetised, for instance by drink, ironically at the Dundee Blues Festival, the future is no more of a concern than it is to our budgie.

The result is ENTHUSIASM, this is why budgies chatter so incessantly.

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