4th July Make Your Own Soccer Club

Mrs S. sat there in the living room reading a crime thriller. "Eee! there's some good murders in this" she commented. At the time I was labouring over some ill matched piece of steel with all the usual frustrations (imagine doing this for a living, Eh!...) Conversation turned to family matters. Turns out one of Mrs S's daughters was a grandmother at 34, and at that time Mrs S's mother was still on the go, giving a living representation of 5 generations!
" It's a pity there's so many boys though" she said of her grandchildren.
"Oh?" I enquired.
"Yes just the one grand-daughter and eleven grandsons.
"Eleven! What, like a football team?"


Last night I dreamt I was being discharged from hospital after a long illness. This could have been either mental or physical or any combination. I was walking back to the ward and there was all my stuff thrown out in the corridor like a divorce or maybe more like one of those hints to leave home and get on with it. All that was required was a signature and I was free to go. I was "better" but I wanted to stay because It felt safer to remain "ill"...

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