17th August. £30,000 Kitchen ambitions.

Directly through the kitchen window here there is a clear view, despite a fine scots smirr, of the imposing bulk of Beinn Alligan... Achhhh but this is tedious talking about what you did when you were sixteen, it was just that recently I've come to the conclusion that ambitions seem to be more or less formulated by that age. So now instead of thinking there's nothing I want to do, casting ones mind back can dredge up items for the GLTU (Great List of Things Undone).

Lets talk about something else, Mrs B our host is big on cooking, Isabelle is concerned not about Mrs B's cooking, more about the effects of eating it. And an interesting fact about the kitchen here, is that despite being a world renowned author of numerous books on cooking Mrs B. doesn't possess a £15,000 kitchen herself.

I would say that as a general rule, from wide experience of house interiors, that the more expensive the kitchen the less it will be used for any cooking.

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